At inception, the programme areas of LIFEBUILDERS were Youth Leadership Skills Development, Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS, Promotion of Women’s Health, Economic Empowerment for Youths and Women through the popularisation of Moringa Oleifera plant as a health and economic resource. Over the years, LIFEBUILDERS’ area of impact is now focused on, but not limited to, health promotion for disease prevention around Sexual and Reproductive Health, life skills leadership, education as well as environmental conservation for sustainable livelihood. All LIFEBUILDERS’ programmes are in response to identified developmental needs in the society and as such the programmes emphasise long-term sustainability using both value addition and local content strategies.

i. Health Promotion and Education

Where Health Promotion is concerned, LIFEBUILDERS goal is to attain improved health status of women, children and young people in target communities for productive life and living. As such, LIFEBUILDERS has participated at various national activities for the development of national guidelines and policies on adolescent health, HIV/AIDS prevention and care and has also advocated with relevant donors, LGAs, State and Federal agencies for the improvement of the lives of women and youth. The organisation carries out school and community based HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and support programmes, Reproductive health and counselling for Family Planning, Cervical Cancer Prevention services for women, training of health workers on preventive health and management issues, nutrition education and key household practices for mothers and children.

In the area of Youth Development, LIFEBUILDERS adopts a holistic approach by incorporating programmes and trainings that provide for a robust, well-rounded life among youths. The goal is improved capacity of adolescents/youth to make informed choices about their Sexual and Reproductive health, career choices and life goals, transforming them to responsible adults and leaders in the future. LIFEBUILDERS’ unique intervention project is the Life Skills and Leadership Training (LSLT) which empowers in-and out-of school youths aged 9 -24 with soft Life Skills and leadership training. Other areas of youth development include school health, parenting and value re-orientation, youth exchange programme, language education, career guidance and counselling.

LIFEBUILDERS’ Economic Empowerment drive is fuelled by the passion to contribute to the reduction of poverty as well as encourage the diversification of the economy especially through agriculture. This has been achieved through targeted, innovative, holistic economic empowerment and entrepreneurship development interventions such as exploiting the numerous potentials and benefits derivable from the Moringa Oleifera plant. As a result, LIFEBUILDERS economic empowerment activities include the promotion of the nutritional dense plant Moringa Oleifera for nutrition and business, vocational training, agricultural extension services for rural dwellers, linkages for micro credit facility for the poor, promotion of proliferation of nutritional and economical plants for sustainable development etc.

Model Support Services is aimed at improved capacity of adolescents, youths and parents to make informed decision on critical issues on managing self and others. The activities include parenting seminars, establishment of HCT centre, and various special projects that respond to emerging health conditions in our environment, periodic health campaigns for screening for cervical cancer, glaucoma, STDS etc.

ii. Environmental Conservation

Deep in the heart of the organisation’s area of intervention is the call for environmental conservation. LIFEBUILDERS has been able to contribute its quota to solving the global problem of environmental destruction by producing environmentally-safe alternative cooking fuel as well as cultivating and training in the use of the super herb, Moringa Oleifera. In conjunction with its sister company, Vidsa Multiventures Limited, derivatives from the Moringa Oleifera plant has been successfully produced and distributed within and outside Nigeria.

Ongoing research on the Moringa Oleifera is the exploration of Moringa ethanol from the stem substrate for the production of bio-gel as alternative to fossil fuel cooking. In view of this, massive mobilisation for the planting of over 2 million Moringa trees has been undertaken in the project focus area of Akinyele LGA of Oyo State.

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